Dear Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa…

…Darick Robertson, Wayne Faucher, Jimmy Palmiotti, Rodney Ramos, Scott Koblish, Matt Milla, Cory Petit, Rus Wooton and Greg Land,

Nightcrawler:  The Winding WayNightcrawler:  The Devil InsideWhew, that was quite a list–as it always is when I’m reviewing awesome trade paperbacks, and I’ve got a two-for-one deal here.  Nightcrawler:  The Devil Inside and its sequel Nightcrawler: The Winding Way collect an AWESOME series of issues.  Mr. Aguirre-Sacasa, I’ve loved your writing since I read The Mystery Plays and Say You Love Satan while doing research for my Masters project (comics and theater–it was cool).  You’ve always got this great mix of religious symbolism and demons and angels and stuff going on–which, of course, is ideal for a Nightcrawler book.  And the art…wow.  Kurt Wagner is the hottest blue fuzzy mutant out there, and you all capture him wonderfully.  Especially when he’s coming out of the shower.  Five stars for these two trades, hooray for the dogmatic side of X-Men.



Wanna check out this title for yourself?  Try the Indie Bound or ABC bookstore finders!

One Response to Dear Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa…

  1. jibarourbano says:

    I was just fooling around wordpress blogs, when i found yours. I like the way you worked it out, by talking to the authors. Funny way.

    Since I was a child, i became very fond of Nightcrawler, had that mystic side to balance his violence. Sorry form muy english, is my second language.

    See ya.

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